Category Archives: Alveo land

Better Homes: Four Home Organization Resolutions to Usher 2019 with a Bang


“Being organized is not about getting rid of everything you own or trying to become a different person; it is about living the way you want to live, but better.”-Andrew Mellen


Benjamin Franklin once said that for every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned. This is because any aspect on your life that is organized—whether it may be your life itself or your home—will effectively allow you to streamline your activities and tasks in such a way that you would be able to expedite them.

In this regard, homeowners ought to make some home organization resolutions for the New Year to get rid of the clutter, clean up and organize their homes. As a result, the prospect of being welcomed home to a spruced up pad would be so much brighter for the next 365 days. With this in mind, we ought not to waste any more time and get started on that home resolution list—especially as the brand new year is still in its inception. Unfortunately, humans as we are, resolutions tend to be a little challenging to maintain after a significant time has passed. Much like your resolve to commit to a daily workout, your New Year resolutions in keeping a spotless and clutter-free home can potentially get waylaid by random bouts of lethargy (or just general laziness on your part).

To prevent this from occurring, remind yourself why you started in the first place. There may be more to life that constantly having to clean and organize your homes but remember that your life would be so much easier if you maintained one. With an organized home—whether that may be a residential flat or a condominium in Pasig, you can expect less stress and more comfort. Now, is that not what you would want to welcome you home every single day for the entire year? In any case, strengthen your resolve and tap into that New Year motivation, kick your cleaning habits into gear and commit to making these home organization resolutions not only for the New Year, but for the entire year.


Put everything in its place

There is a saying that everything has a place and that there is a place for everything. However, when it comes to organized homes, only the former sentiment should apply. Every single household item should have its designated place and it is your responsibility to ensure that they are appropriately utilized. A home cannot truly be organized if household objects are in disarray or do not have homes. Designate a spot for everything and commit to keeping it there. If you find your homes lacking in storage space, then commit to expanding it by investing on storage items that help you keep everything away from sight (and from adding to the clutter).


Stick to the 90/90 rule

To ensure that your home does not become a magnet for clutter, stick by the 90/90 rule as popularized by minimalists. In sum, the rule’s premise is to throw out anything that you have not used in ninety days and do not see yourself using for the next ninety. If you wish, you might even adjust your time limit (either shorten or lengthen it). Just stick to a timeline that is realistic to you and stick to it. This rule would help you mitigate the possibility of holding on to things that you no longer need (and might never need again). More importantly, any decision that takes the guesswork out of the equation is easily made than those that need deeper contemplation. In any case, if you think this is going to be a hard rule to abide by, just trust us when we say that if you have not used it in a significant amount of time, you are probably not going to miss it when you throw it out.


Remember: “One in, one out”

This rule basically means that if something new comes to your home, it should be to replace something and not to add to the clutter. For optimum effect, universally apply this rule to all of your things—from your clothes to your kitchen cutlery and gadgets. Do not hold on to anything if you are buying anything new. If you cannot see yourself letting go of some old stuff you have, then you should not be buying anything new. Similarly, you should encourage your kids to donate toys they no longer want and clothes they have outgrown. Kids can quickly outgrow their clothes which would prompt you to new ones. In this regard, discard the old items and give them away as holding on to them would only be counterintuitive to your endeavor.


Make a commitment

A literal “clean slate” promise if you may. Even if it takes extra effort on your part (such as going to bed twenty minutes later than usual), make it a point to spruce up the house every single day before you wrap up the night. Do not procrastinate and wait until the morning to do it as that is how you end up with a disorganized home. It might prove to be a slog, but it can be rewarding. More importantly, the more you do it, the better you will be at cleaning which would effectively reduce the cleaning time you require each night. By cleaning up each day, you can start each morning fresh without a deficit in organization and cleanliness.

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Aesthetic Spaces: Three Ways to Make Your House Feel Like Home


“A home is not just a roof over our heads. A home is a place where we feel loved and where we love others. It is a place we belong. Love is what makes a home, not the contents inside the house or the number on the door. It is the people waiting for us across the threshold, the people who will take us in their arms after a sad day and kiss us good night and good morning every single day for the rest of our lives”-Hermann Hesse

After months upon months of saving for a home, you can finally breathe easy when you have finally settled in.

However, before you let the dazzle of having a new home cloud your eyes, you need to make the extra effort of making your new place truly a home you can call your own. Once the excitement of a new home dies down, the boxes all unpacked and everything else stocked and placed in their proper areas, your new place would still nonetheless feel impersonal and just a tad bit lacking. This is understandable as after all, you are still in the new phase of settling in to your new home. Unfortunately, while this sense of feeling of newness is not entirely bad, it precludes you from feeling a genuine sense of comfort—something which you should adequately and immediately address.

While you might think you can hold off decorating and personalizing your homes until such time that you can fully settle into your new home, remember that there is a marked difference between living in a place that you simply rely on for provisions and living in a place that evokes a genuine feeling of belongingness and the true comfort of home. Without it, you will hardly feel like your home is cozy which is why, regardless of where your home is or whether it is a condominium in BGC or a flat elsewhere, it is imperative to make a conscious effort in a cultivating a sense of warmth and personality in it. In any case, here are some of the few things you can do to help foster a space where you can truly belong:


Display art

Hanging paintings is one of the creative avenues to showcase your sophisticated taste in art. Everyone has largely different tastes in art and more often than not, some aspects of your personality and character can be dissected through your choices in them. Apart from enhancing the aesthetic appeal of any place, hanged art is an avenue for reducing stress and promoting happiness. After all, it has been shown that people tend to get a big boost of pleasure from looking at things that we consider to be beautiful. Hanging art in your homes would help you inject a bit of your personality and interests in a space insomuch that bits of you can be seen from the art hanged.


Spruce it up

Any space should first and foremost be clean before it can be beautiful. After all, any hint of disorder, dirt and disorganization would detract a space’s overall appeal—regardless of how beautiful and strategic you have placed your furnishings, décor items and art. Also, you should take note that a place can never be comfortable if it is not primarily clean. In this regard, make a conscious effort to spruce up every now and then. After all, you would feel so much better when you are climbing into freshly washed sheets and getting inside a clean room.


Showcase items that remind you of the home you grew up in

Majority of us regard our childhood homes as the epitome of what a real home genuinely is. This is particularly true for individuals who had happy childhoods and regarded their homes as sanctuaries where they feel loved and safe all the time. While you can never fully recreate that same feeling in your new home, you can always incorporate items in it that would remind you of the home you once grew up in. It can be old and discarded furniture which you can give its own place of honor in your new home or a few dated but classic board games. If you are feeling extra nostalgic, you might try and inject a few items from your childhood bedroom into your new bedroom—just be sure that you and your partner are on the same page on this one. Select a few things from your old home that would cultivate a sense of childhood warmth in you and try to incorporate them into your new space. In this regard, you would always have that a tangible feeling of home with you—no matter where you are living today.


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Home Selling Endeavors: Five Things that Scare Off Prospective Homebuyers


“In the real estate business, you learn more about people, and you learn more about community issues, you learn more about life, you learn more about the impact of government, probably than any other profession that I know of” –Johnny Jsakson

Ever been in a situation wherein you were a hundred percent positive that a prospective homebuyer would complete a transaction with you? Were you so sure that they were going to buy only to be informed days later that they found a better house instead?

What happened? What went wrong? And what possible reason could there be that after perusing your home, they refused to make an offer or declined yours? Well, as it turns out, it might be that something in your home turned them off. In this regard, you should start asking yourselves: Does my home turn buyers off? Is your dilapidated and dirty home keeping you from fetching a good deal on the real estate market? Is this the reason you have struggled so hard to sell your property? Remember, regardless of whether your property is prime real estate located in Westborough, if it turns off potential buyers then the chances of selling it fast (and more importantly, at a good price) are next to impossible. So, to ensure that that your home does not have any underlying icky issues, here are some of the things that might be turning your potential buyers away:

Dirt, grime and filth

Of all the things that turn off your potential buyers, dirty surroundings would make it to the top of the list. After all, who would want to live in a house that has grimy floors, dust and dirty everywhere and kitchen counters filled with crust? In this regard, your first priority should be to get your properties in pristine and tiptop condition. If you want to attract potential homebuyers—more importantly, if you want to sell it at a particular price point—then getting your home in the best possible condition is a must. However, do not stop in getting your homes clean, make it immaculate. Go the extra mile by putting in the extra effort—from steam-cleaning tile and grout to overhauling your carpets. If they are old and smells rank, you should throw them out and replace them with new ones.

The place looks hideous from the street

They say first impressions matter. In the case of selling real estate, the first impression is what gets your prospective buyer to knock on your door and check your property out. With this in mind, be sure to make your homes as welcoming as possible from the street. If it looks uninviting from the get-go then you are hardly going to get any offers. Unfortunately, it can be rather difficult to determine whether or not your homes look presentable from the street given that you are used to it by now and barely take notice. To ensure that you would get an impartial opinion, ask a relative or a friend what looks off about your home’s exterior. A home seller’s eye tends to make a myriad of oversights while a homebuyer can be a bit more particular and exacting. What looks bad can be a range of things of them. It could be a weedy yard, debris on the lawn or even just a crappy-looking door. Improve your home’s overall aesthetic starting with what immediately meets the eye of your prospective homebuyers.

Unorthodox décor

What looks great as home décor is a matter of personal taste and preference. In this regard, you cannot reasonably expect your potential homebuyers to share your enthusiasm for your rather eclectic and unconventional taste in home furnishings and ornaments. Sure, you might have a passion for taxidermy and prefer to have stuffed animals to complete the look of your home. But this might horrify a great slew of your potential homebuyers. With this in mind, keep your furnishings and home décor neutral. If you wish to cast the broadest net possible for buyers, remove any displays, posters and visuals that may either offend or turn them off. You might never know but what might seem innocent to you might affront a prospective buyer who is checking out your property. Keep it neutral.

Your home has visible defects

Dings, cracks and other blemishes might seem like things you would normally overlook. But to the discerning and judicious eye of a possible homebuyer, this could make or break a possible sale. As a homeowner, it is easy and rather understandable to live in a home with innumerable flaws and mechanical nuisances that you would no longer notice them. But, your potential homebuyers will. Address any maintenance issues immediately and take care of the cracks and dings. The moment your home is going to look like a chore list, then almost always, you are likely to lose a potential buyer.

Off-putting smells

Your home might smell rank and it might just be the reason why a lot of buyers have already checked your home and refused to make you an offer. Unfortunately, if you have lived in your home for a significant amount of time, picking out an odd smell can be rather difficult—impossible even given that you are already accustomed to the smell. Pervasive smells such as urine from a pet can be very off-putting. With this in mind, have a thorough cleanup of your place. Better yet, hire professional cleaners to do that job for you—it will be a worthy investment!

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Harmonious Communities: Four Ways to be More Neighborly

Person Doing Shopping For Elderly Neighbour


“The good neighbor looks beyond the external accidents and discerns those inner qualities that make all men human and, therefore, brothers.” –Martin Luther King

It has been widely said and believed that a good neighbor does not only make a massive difference in the quality of life but would also increase the value of your property. In this regard, it would make sense to foster a bond or even a friendship with our neighbors to cultivate a sense of community in the neighborhood.

Unfortunately, the current generation is predominantly run by millennials who have been found to lead incredibly spontaneous lives. Consequently, this means most of the homeowners nowadays have developed an affinity for cities where they can likely move around insomuch that most of their neighborhoods are merely transitory communities to them that would ultimately lead them to their next trajectory. The nomadic lifestyle might be primarily influenced by this generation’s fervent desire and endeavor to build on their careers first and capitalizing on them before wishing to settle down. However, while unpredictable lifestyles are not necessarily bad, to say the least, being in transitory neighborhoods would tend to make us overlook the importance of forming relationships with our neighbors. After all, if you treat your homes pretty much like hotels or move out fairly a lot, it would feel like there is no merit to befriending your neighbors.

Sure, an urbanized neighborhood might be teeming with people living nearby, but it is no different from living in the middle of nowhere if you failed to interact with them. You might have a lot of neighbors, but as you view your community as a transitory neighborhood, you would not really bother on getting to know your neighbors.

Regardless of how fleeting your time in a particular neighborhood might be, know that there are certain benefits to being neighborly. Statistically, your neighbors are probably very nice people, but you are not just giving them the chance to prove that to you. While you can go on about your life without ever acknowledging their presence or your need for them, your life would be so much better if you had a good relationship with them. Remember that your neighbors are the people who are so positioned to share your lives casually. In this regard, it is your duty to be as neighborly as you can be to the people living in proximity to you—whether you are living in a condominium in bgc or elsewhere. So, if you are moving to a new neighborhood or just wish to acquaint yourself with your neighbors, here are some of the ways you can do so:


1.) Share food

There is no better way to bond than to form a friendship over food. In fact, most neighbors would use a plate of cookies to introduce themselves to a new family that just moved into the neighborhood. So, if you have a talent for whipping up some magic in the kitchen through the form of baked goodies or pastries, bring a batch over and introduce yourselves to your neighbors. However, if you are not into cooking or baking, even some of your rotisserie chicken from the grocery store would already do the trick. Alternatively, you can also invite your neighbors for a meal at your place.

2.) Share expertise

In lieu of food and goodies, you can always opt to be neighborly by helping your neighbors with anything that might be in your line of expertise. It might be that your neighbor has virtually no idea how to set up their own Wi-Fi, might need help with setting up their computer or anything at all which you can help them with. Remember, even the slightest interaction can already go a long way, and you might not know it, your computer expertise or restaurant recommendation may already pave the way to a lasting friendship.

3.) Share contact information

Once you feel that a friendship is established between you and your neighbor, give them your contact details or their numbers. At one point in the future, you might need to ask them for help to watch your homes whenever you are out or even just check in on the kids left at home. Needless to say, it is always a good idea to share your contact information with a neighbor you can trust.

4.) Resolve disputes graciously and in person

Being passive-aggressive gets you nowhere, and it would needlessly ruffle feathers in the worst way possible. If your neighbor is behaving in a certain way that you do not like, then deal with it by taking up the concern or issue to them instead of leaving them angry notes that resolve nothing. Should they have a loud dog, no respect for your space or any issue that might irk you at all, address them personally. Remember, this is not a schoolyard fight that can be resolved with notes, so opt to be a mature person and deal with it appropriately. Sure, it might seem like leaving anonymous angry notes would give you the satisfaction you need but it also does not guarantee that the issue will be addressed. Furthermore, it would eliminate any prospect of neighborliness.

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Perks of Residing Near Your School and Work

man walking near home

The students just started this school year, and our ever-hard-working laborers are still working year-round, as usual. For many of us, travel going back and forth to our school and work is such a hassle. Imagine being stuck in traffic and you have a class at 8 in the morning, or have a meeting at 1 in the afternoon. You might have left your house three or four hours earlier, but it just won’t do. Unlike the people who are in a condo for rent in Makati, they don’t seem to have any problem if their school or workplace is just near their place.

To give you more of the mentioned above, here are some of the perks if you are residing near your school or work:

You are well-rested

It means no alarm four of five hours before you need to leave home. Thus you have extra time to sleep. You can do many things at home after school or work. You may be tired, but you still have a lot of time to do whatever you want or gain energy thru having a good rest. Isn’t it lovely?

Less time on the road

Given that the traffic in the Metro, well actually everywhere in the Philippines, brings out the worst in us, you will do anything just to get out of that trap. Having less time on the road is just pure nirvana we are all aiming for. Moreover, you are saving a lot of money and energy if you just live a few blocks away from school or work. You can walk for a few minutes or go bike, a workout that you can do in your daily life.

You can go back and forth to your place quickly

If you accidentally left something at home, you can get it and be back at your school or workplace in a jiffy. You can also spend long breaks at home, be at ease knowing that you can get no traffic. Hooray!

Feel free to invite friends and colleagues to come at your place

If you need to do projects or merely for bonding, you can have your friends and colleagues to come at home. It will be very easy for your group to go since it’s just around your area (school or office). It is also economical to hang out or spend your vacant in a house than renting a hotel, go out to eat at a fancy resto, etc. You can have your people swim (ask permission or sign them as guests) in your condo’s pool and cook scrumptious food at home. Having quality time with friends and at the same time being practical with your choices have never been this easy.

If there’s any emergency at home, you can easily storm your way

You get to your school or office around 10 to 15 minutes of walk, and if there’s an emergency, you could surely fly your way for like 5 minutes or less. Might be exaggerated but the fact the whenever someone needs your help or the like, you can quickly excuse yourself (and it’s reasonable).

More time for yourself and family

Given that you are just a few blocks away, you have less time on the road and more with your family, and to yourself of course. Work-life balance seems easier to do if you choose to live near your workplace or school, or vice versa.

Does it speak to you on a personal level? Well, it’s either a calling that you should consider moving somewhere near your current school or workplace or affirmation that your decision to live in a condo in Makati is an excellent choice. Whatever it is, I hope I was able to showcase the little perks you can have if you reside near your school or workplace.

Top Four Reasons Why Millenials Should Live in A Condo


“I think millennials are a generation, unlike anything we have ever seen on this planet.” –Chelsea Krost

Without a doubt, the rise of the millennials has contributed to the upsurge of real estate developments devoted to solitary living. Although Filipinos still staunchly stand by the ingrained tradition of having children live at home until their married, many of the Millennials today are doing otherwise. This is because millennials, much unlike their preceding generations, have elected to live an entirely independent lifestyle that the demand for affordable and adequate living spaces has seen a rise in the last decade.

It is precisely this phenomenon that we can attribute the recent proliferation of many real estate developments to. In fact, most developers have been erecting condominium towers in almost every nook and cranny in major cities. But, what sets apart a condominium unit from an array of residential living selections? What makes it so appropriate for millennial living and millennials themselves? Well, if you are looking for a good place of your own, you might want to take a gander at the reasons for buying your condo below. This especially rings true for individuals who are in their twenties or thirties.

1.) Meeting new people

The majority of millennials are incredibly social creatures and living in a condo would appeal to them as it gives them an avenue to meet new people. In most cases, condo living means that only a wall would be separating you from your neighbor and unlike most home residential developments, you would be living in proximity to them. Additionally, when all of the units are sold, you will have a lot of new neighbors and a lot of new people to meet. Apart from that, condominium towers are built near business districts and entertainment hubs that it would be easy to find individuals milling about that it would be easy to find individuals who share the same interests as you. Condominiums are also known to have social gatherings for special occasions such as Halloween, Christmas and New Year as a way for residents to gather and mingle.

2.) Enjoy a great lifestyle

Living in a condo practically means you do not need extraneous memberships to a pool club or the gym. Book buffs and skin care enthusiasts are not left out either as many condominiums nowadays come with library and spa facilities. Each condominium development would have something unique to offer each, and it is only a matter of selecting which one is most appropriate for you.

3.) Save more money

Contrary to popular belief, owning your condo unit is not more expensive than renting. It may be not readily apparent at first glance, but if you think of the long-time returns, you will eventually realize that investing in your own space is more cost-efficient than paying rent. Your monthly rental could actually serve as monthly mortgage payments for a condominium unit you would eventually own. Today, there are a lot of condominium developers offering flexible payment schemes that are friendly to your budget.

4.) Have security

Your safety and security are of paramount concern to the condominium developers which is precisely why you do not have to worry much when you have to leave your home. Condominiums have a stringent security policy and would have roving guards patrolling from time to time. Apart from that, most condominiums would even require visitors to leave an ID when visiting. All these so that you can rest easy knowing you are in safe and secure hands while you are at home or not.

So, if you are looking for your own condo space, take a look at some of the units offered in the high street south block, and you might just find a condominium that suits your lifestyle perfectly.

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How to Prepare Your Home for Pets


There will always be a fun part when having pets. Aside from having them as a great companion, they can also be beneficial to our health. Yes, you heard it right. There are a lot of studies that show pets can increase scientific evidence to prove that they are helpful in keeping their owners mentally and physically fit. Pets are also believed that they can help speed up the recovery of the patients. Moreover, they are also good to have when you have kids at home.

Generally, there are properties such as Alveo condominium Cebu and another real estate in the Philippines that allow pets in their premises. That is why more and more homeowners would love to have pets in their home. However, there are just some homeowners who don’t know what and what not to do when it comes to responsible pet ownership. Perhaps, all they know is that for as long as the pet is in good condition t hen it is ok. But for you to a good owner for your pet, there are just some things you need to consider before you have one in your home. Well, you can start preparing your home. Here’s how:

Couches and pets either become best friends or worst enemies



Always remember that pets don’t care about how good your furniture is, for as long as they know they can be comfortable playing or sitting on it, then they are going to stay on your couch. However, if you have couches that are made of fabrics, then this might not be a good choice for your pets. Of course, the fabric of your couch can be damaged by the claws of your pets. Moreover, you also have to expect that pets don’t care about being dirty. For as long as they want to do something, then they usually do the things they just feel like doing.

Area rugs love to hold onto fur


If you are not keen when it comes to choosing the right rugs for your home, then you better learn how to look for a rug that would also be a pet-friendly. This is also one way to prevent health risk especially for those people who are suffering from asthma. However, if you don’t have any idea at all on how to choose a good one, then you have to buy an area rug where it has a lot of different color or rugs that are similar to the color of your pet’s fur. With that, you will know where your pet will most likely stay. Moreover, don’t forget to consider your pet whenever you want to buy a new rug. Make sure that your pet will also like it.

Are you about to buy something that you don’t want your pet anywhere near? Reconsider!


Buying furniture is not a bad thing at all. In fact, this is one way to make your home a place where you can be proud of. However, if you think that you don’t want your pet to go anywhere near it, then you have to reconsider buying it. Perhaps, you can try other things that have the same features you want to have. Moreover, if you think that it is not that useful to you, then you better think again before buying it. That particular thing will only damage when you are not careful enough in placing that thing in your home.

Of course, always remember that your pet can sometimes also be playful. They don’t care if they broke or damage something in your home. For as long as they want to play, they definitely will. That is why you have to make sure that there will be no things that will go to waste because of that.

Owning or having a pet at home is not that bad as you think it is. You just have to make sure that you know what and what not to do when it comes to responsible pet ownership and on how you are going to prepare your home for your pets.

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4 Basic Rules To Follow When Having a Storage at Home



If you think that it is okay to put things anywhere on your home, then you better think again. It doesn’t matter where you live; be it Abreeza Residences, there is no reason for you not be organized with your things at home. For some people, organizing things might be daunting since they don’t have enough time for that. However, if you want to have a satisfying and healthy living, then you better be organized at home.

Well, if you are one of those people who are having a hard time organizing their things, then below are some things you might want to consider doing at home. Of course, you don’t have to worry that much since it is simple and doable enough for you to do.

  1. One in, one out

One of the reasons why your room is messy since you put so many things on it. If you are planning to put other furniture in your room, you also have to make sure that you have to move one item out of your room to save some of space. Moreover, this is also one way to make things in order without being messy.



However, if you really need to add furniture and you don’t want to move one item to your room, then you better think of other ways you can have it. Well, you can consider storing your things in a cabinet or boxes where it can’t be a bother when you move around space.

2. Start with storage spaces

If you are a kind of person who just loves to collect things or have a lot of furniture at home, you have to make sure that you also have storages for it. For instance, if you love to collect books, then you better have a bookshelf for it. Don’t just put your books anywhere in your home where it can be inconvenient when moving around the house.



Moreover, having the right storage for each of your things is definitely a great idea to be organized at home. This is also one of the many ways you can easier find your things on where you put it. Of course, that will save a lot of your time finding it.

3. You can buy storage, but you can’t buy organization

Some people think that when they buy storages, they can already be organized. Yes, indeed. But it will also depend on how you arrange your things inside the storage box. If you didn’t segregate the important ones from the things that are not that useful for you, then the storages that you have will be useless. When you want to have an organized home, then you also have to be organized on your things. You have to know which things are useful and which are not.



With that, you will also know if there is a need for you to throw or give some things away. Being organized would not depend on what kind of storages you have at home, it will always depend on how you are going to arrange it properly in a neat and clean way.

4. Home storage is made simpler when you label everything

Labeling your storage is definitely helpful to you. Well, it doesn’t mean that you are forgetful enough to know what things are inside that particular storage. That will only mean that you want to be organized in everything you do.



Moreover, this is also one way to make things easier for you to find what you want to have. Rather than spending most of your time finding that particular thing since you forget where you put it.

Basically, labeling your storage is not as hard as you think it is. In fact, it is simple enough for you to do in a minute. You just have to make sure that you are labeling the right storage for as not to make some confusion.

The Things You Wish You Knew Before You Moved Out!

One of the most challenging things to do in life is moving out. Agree? Of course, before you can decide to move out, there will be a lot of thinking and planning to make to avoid unwanted situations that might occur in the long run. However, some of you here moved out without some careful planning on what they are supposed to do. Yes, we have already moved out, and then what’s next?

Deciding to move out can also be a crucial decision to make. Sometimes, things will get tougher and tougher when we don’t know anything, especially when it’s about handling property problems. I bet, you will also admit that we usually have headaches just by thinking about what to do with the new home that we have – what to do before, during and after moving out. And yes, we definitely need some help!

A lot of you here have already experience struggling when it comes to moving out. However, you will eventually learn something about how to deal with all those circumstances. Well, if you are one of those people who are still planning to move out, but before you do, here are some things for you to know in order for you to lessen unwanted situations before and after moving out.

1. Make sure you have enough money in your budget for kitchen and household staples

We all are saving some money for our daily expenses – the bills and our food budget, right? However, you should not also forget that there are certain things for your kitchen use and other household staples are important for you to have. You cannot do anything that you want if you don’t have anything to use at all. For instance, you cannot eat or cook if you don’t have any kitchen utensils, right? You will not also be able to rest in your living room if you don’t have any couch at all, etc. It will definitely be harder for you to use your home immediately without the things that you need.

2. Make a budget immediately

You always have to remember that the rent of the property that you moved in may not be the same as your previous home. The rent may be expensive or cheaper than your previous one. That is why, there will be some budget adjustments needed in order for you to cope up with the financial situation that you are in. Moreover, there are also possibilities that the usual savings that you have may still not be enough for your daily expenses. Knowing the cost of living in your new home is important before moving in. That is also for you to be financially prepared and capable to pay your responsibilities.

3. If you have some money left after you move into your new place, don’t use it to buy decorative items (just yet) – save it!

One of the usual things that we do before and/or after we move in is to decorate our new home. Of course, we want our home to be nice to look at, which we can also be proud of. However, if you think that your budget is just right and enough for your daily expenses, then you have to think twice before buying some decorative stuff for your home. Perhaps, you can. Just make sure that you will still have budget enough for you to live a normal life. Also, you can definitely buy some decorations for your home when you already have some money and/or budget for it. Decorations for your home can wait! Don’t force yourself to buy some if you think you still can’t afford it just yet.

Every person has a different story to tell about how they managed to move out and into their new home. And not all decisions that we make is the best option for us, it might not be applicable to the current situation that we have. That is why, it is important for you to know how to handle it, and of course, with the right approach towards the situation.